Chill is in the Air - Nov 2023

What a heck of a summer and fall season. My thermostat went directly from high-velocity air conditioning to heavy-duty heat mode. My place is small. I mean you can multi task in the bathroom and if you want to change your mind you'll have to step outside. July through Sept it was sweltering up here. But, we made. 

Looking forward to getting back to my regular life. PLaying gigs, writing songs, recording demo's and exercising. Had some financial setbacks for getting my album mixed and mastered. 

There are no small record labels anymore. None. They don't exist. Or if they do, I don't know them and they don't know me. Hence I am paying for everything on this album. If I don't have the funds, it don't get done. Thinking about starying a fund campaigne to get this thing completed. Write into me and tell me what ya think. 

Til then, live life to the fullest and care for each other, J

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